Hi, I'm Ananth Rao. I'm a 23 year old software engineer in New Jersey. Welcome to my personal site! I like to draw, play tennis, sing, play music, write stories, and tackle interesting problems. Oh, and I make delicious pancakes.
I believe in public accountability for my goals. So I am making a promise, right here, for all the world to see.
If I
read learn new things build something meet someone new exercise eat healthy sleep well help someone daily,I will become a better person.
Here are some websites I have designed and developed.
Every now and then, I sit down and decide to make something.
They aren't all finished, but please, take a look at my little projects anyway! Tell me what you think!
GridAI, a playground for exploring AIs and search algorithms in grid environments. Includes timed modes and generated mazes.
Built with Python Flask, Bootstrap, with ES6 and ES7 goodness bundled and transpiled using Webpack and Babel, deployed on Heroku
Dangerous Nanthy, a web clone of the classic DOS game Dangerous Dave, with a twist! Free gun and rocket launcher 😉
Built with Phaser.io, bundled with Gulp and JSTransformers, deployed on Heroku
API-Chooserinator, a public linking database for identifying available APIs by data type.
Built with Python Flask, Bootstrap, and deployed with Cloud Foundry containers in IBM Bluemix
FractalGen, dizzying [← I mean it, it'll give you a headache] experiments with square fractal generation and animation
Built with the [now defunct] Famous.js animation engine and Node.js, bundled with Gulp
A GPA calculator that also allows customization of the point breakdown for letter grades, something I was looking for and couldn't find in other models.
Built with React, Bootstrap, Material-Bootstrap, ES6 and JSX bundled with Gulp and Babel
TileStyling, a seamless pattern generator for web and graphic designers.
Built with EaselJS and HTML5 canvas
Every moment spent not reading about something innovative, every moment not spent hacking or building something new: every moment not working on an amazing idea, every moment not spent learning more about people, places, and the world is a breath of life I could have better used. And that is something I strive to correct every day.
I am constantly both fascinated and terrified by the vast ocean of things I do not know. And the more I learn, the more my eyes open. I often find myself immersed in new worlds of ideas and information that I'd never even dreamed of. It's truly overwhelming. I often ask myself, "How can I stay afloat in a boundless sea? How can I learn? I'll never be able to learn everything I would like to, so why even try?"
I try because knowledge is enchanting. The Pierian Spring is my stimulant, and I am hopelessly addicted. I'll never rest while I still have something I don't understand. I know I can never know it all. All I can do is keep inbibing that vast ocean, one sip at a time. All I can do is keep wondering, keep thinking. Keep building, keep learning. And who knows? Along the way, I might change the world.
My name is Ananth Rao. I am an aspiring designer, developer, physicist, entrepreneur, engineer, philosopher, teacher, musician, composer, actor, artist, writer, and lifelong learner. Boy, that was a mouthful. I only hope to be able to call myself even half of those someday. And with luck - and a lot of hard work, I will.
I'm always interested, always excited, to work on new projects and new ideas, or even help in any small way that I can, so feel free to contact me.
Truly yours,
Ananth Rao